TeamSport's ‘Love For All’!

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TeamSport's ‘Love For All’!

14 August 2014

Over the last six months, TeamSport employee Sara Osborne has been putting all of her skills to the test to raise money for the ‘Love For All’ project in Nukuru, Africa. With the help and support of TeamSport she managed to raise enough money to buy:

  • 5 bunk beds made and fitted in the orphanage


  • 12 brand new mattresses


  • 30 blankets, because many of the children were sleeping on the floor on rice sacks


  • 4 pots for cooking, and Chapatti pans for occasional treats


  • 50 plates, because the existing ones were cracked and there wasn’t enough


  • 252 spoons, as when we arrived they were eating with their hands whilst sat on a dusty floor


  • 100 exercise books as the children didn’t have books to write in


  • 18 cups for baby food


  • Serving spoons and jugs because they weren’t able to serve the children’s food properly


  • Knives with a sharpener because their knives were blunt with no handles


  • School uniforms for the orphans


  • Shoes for those who didn’t have any


  • Enough food to last the orphanage and school (approximately 200 people per day) for two months

Before the new mattresses and blankets: With the new blankets and mattresses:

Sara wrote to TeamSport saying: “I have never been so proud to be a member of staff at TeamSport and to show Pamela - who runs the Love For All project in Nukuru voluntarily - and the children, the love and support you have given. This is both from you and all the other staff at TeamSport. I have spoken to absolutely everyone about what you have done for them and how you have changed their lives for the better. Pamela said to me how pleased she was that a company like TeamSport were willing to donate such an unforgettable act of kindness.” It’s taken a lot of hard work and has been a very emotional journey for Sara, but so rewarding. The children in both the school and orphanage have never experienced such a generous act and have now not only got a house to live in but Sara’s work has helped to transform it into their home! The first picture really reflects what the money has done for these children who are so under privileged. They have never experienced something as simple as a children’s tea party: Well done Sara. TeamSport is very proud of what you’ve done for these children and we are extremely lucky to have such a kind and generous person working for our company!