Schumacher to continue racing Formula 1 for Mercedes

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Dear Mr Schumacher: Isn't Your Time Up Already?

20 October 2010

If I ever become so embarrassing that Nico Rosberg (who has never won a GP before) could easily overtake me,

I'd hope that someone would have the decency to tell me. What happened to the days when Schumacher would steam around the track in the blink of an eye? From what I can see, Schumacher is clearly past his sell by date, and to save a cringing public he should throw in the towel for the FINAL time! The star-studded promise of a jaw-dropping comeback has taken disappointment to a new level. Apparently Schumacher was “baffled” by his lack of pace at the Canadian Grand Prix after qualifying at a unenviable place of 13th. Naturally he blamed the car, but how many times can a driver use this repetitive excuse? When I'm on  the track, I know its down to me and me only (oh, and those new forged magnesium alloy wheels). Formula one drivers are a special breed. You need; concentration, quick reaction times,  endurance, physical strength, consistency and bravery. The way I see it, Schumacher is weaker now than he was in the past... To add to this, the only reason that I can come up with for Mercedes sticking with Schumacher is that they are too embarrassed to admit to this slightly major mistake of theirs. Mercedes are in desperate need of attracting a younger market, therefore if Schumacher carries on this way it could result in Mercedes to be seen as old man's wheels. Not that I'm trying to say that forty-one is old but its still not your twenties, like our current British favourite Lewis Hamilton, is it? So should Schumacher retire now, to save further embarrassment? As we all know, only very few drivers know when its time to finish gracefully. Test if you've still got it, like me, on our brand new London Tower Bridge track!