Lewis Hamilton takes the win at the Belgian Grand Prix

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An exciting, wet and dry, accident riddled, seat gripping race

30 August 2010

How can I even start this blog? If you didn’t watch the race yesterday

I’m going to struggle explaining it to you with written words so I drew this picture of how amazing it was but then the dog ate it! The weather has kept everyone guessing what’s going to happen all weekend and has already played its part in determining the outcome of the practice sessions and the qualifying. So you all knew the score about who sat where on the grid, the weather looked mixed up, and the heavens could have opened at any second and would have made for an entirely different race. The race starts and Mark Webber, sitting in pole, has a tragic start, allowing Hamilton, Kubica, Button and Vettel to overtake him. The first lap introduces a few accidents with Barrichello running into Alonso as the track gets wet and his brakes fail him. Barrichello has to retire but Alonso suffers only minor damage. The pack settles into a bit of a rhythm thereafter with Hamilton leading and pulling away into the lead a few tenths of a second each lap and Jenson Button heading up the rest of the pack closely followed by Kubica. By lap 17 Vettel had secured a place behind Button but just as they were coming into the chicane before the home straight Vettel lost control of his car and T-boned Button onto the gravel taking Jenson out of the race. Somehow though Vettel managed to recuperate and make it into the pits to change his front wing which was all that was damaged. Vettel suffered a drive-through penalty for causing an avoidable accident. This wasn’t the only accident Vettel managed to get himself into and agreeing unconditionally with everyone else, that boy needs to calm down! The rest of the race had bad weather looming and each team had to judge exactly when they called in their drivers to change to intermediate tyres. This could have proved a potential disaster since each team only had one garage meaning some cars would have to queue. When the rain came (Again!!) it was only a matter of time before drivers made their way into the pits. Hamilton went onto the gravel because of the wet track but recovered well. He then got his wet tyres and continued to win the race with Webber and Kubica following in second and third. Well, after three weeks of no Formula 1 this race definitely made up for the lack of any. My appetite’s wet and I’m hungry for more… Bring on  Italia.