Williams announce new deal with engine manufacturer Renault

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The Mighty Renault will reunite with Williams once again.

4 July 2011

Formula 1 team Williams have announced that it will use Renault engines once again starting from the 2012 season, a re-born relationship that once blew away any competition for the majority of the 1990s. This new deal covers 2012 and 2013 but with an option to continue into the new engine rules in 2014 if they should so choose. The last time Renault worked with Williams was in 1997 after an eight year partnership that saw four drivers’ and five constructors’ champions. "We are delighted and excited by our new partnership with Renault," Frank Williams said. "This reunites the F1 team with a leading car manufacturer and complements our new relationship with Jaguar.” So that makes two top tier teams using Renault engines, will McLaren and Ferrari be able to catch up with the raw speed of Red Bull and will Williams finally come back into contention for a shot and winning a drivers’ or even possibly a constructors championship? I believe Renault are in a very good place at the moment with their fingers in a lot of pies, if Williams get their car in shape with a new Renault engine then I can see next season being something unmissable.