Vettel secures victory in Italy Grand Prix

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Sebastian Vettel only 1 Grand Prix away from securing the Drivers World Championship

12 September 2011

This week’s Grand Prix took place at the famous Italian circuit of Monza and it was another chance for Red Bull to show off their season domination as they propelled Sebastian Vettel into another win. With such a huge lead Vettel only needs only win one more Grand Prix and he has clenched the drivers’ championship even if he didn’t turn up to the remaining races. The Grand Prix went ahead with little incident and the only major incident occurred at the start, which provided very little race disruption. Vitaly Petrov went spinning on the first chicane after touching the grass and spiralling out of control, taking out the back pack of drivers. The start of the race saw Alonso take the lead from third position as Vettel suffered a wheel spin and Hamilton lined up next to them, the three then went into the corner only marginally missing hitting each other. Alonso claimed the lead of the Grand Prix followed by Vettel who quickly caught up and overtook Alonso. After the safety car period Hamilton was caught napping and allowed Schumacher through which caused him infinite troubles in the race to follow. Mark Webber caught his front nose on the back of Massa causing severe damage to his front nose and eventually causing him to retire. Button drove a great race and helped by his teammate Lewis Hamilton he managed to pass Schumacher and go on to finish second after making quick work of Alonso. After taking an early lead Vettel came under no real pressure in losing the lead and just drove out the race to earn himself another 25 points. What can the McLaren boys do to secure points for the rest of the season? Will Ferrari bounce back into form and start dominating some races? Will we see Schumacher step it up a few gears and start giving the leaders a run for their money? It’s all starting to heat up in Formula 1 so we’ll find out how it all unfolds at the next race in two weeks.