Jamie Pritchard, a dedicated employee of TeamSport for over four years
will be participating in the Mongol Rally this coming July, together with 3 other friends. The Mongol Rally is an annual charity event in which teams are challenged to drive half way around the world starting from the UK and with the aim to finish in Ulaan Bataar in Central Mongolia. So what makes the Mongol Rally challenging? Well...Imagine you're lost in a massive desert, hundreds of miles from civilisation, driving a car your granny would be embarrassed by. 10,000 miles of pure adventure over mountains, deserts and some of the most remote terrain on the planet. Jamie and his friends are hoping to raise over £1000 for their chosen charities with the hope of donating their vehicle to the Mongolian Government to help raise money for their economy. Their team 'C'mon letsGOLIA' will be heavily relying on financial support in order to take part in this once in a lifetime opportunity. If you know Jamie or would like to sponsor their team and help raise money for such a fantastic cause, all their details can be found here.