State of Emergency to End in Bahrain two days before race decision

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Bahrain’s chances of hosting a race once again become a hot topic

13 May 2011

It seems like an ever on-going back and forth with Bahrain and the FIA World Motor Sport Council.

Initially rumours were that the Bahrain Grand Prix was to be wiped from the 2011 Formula 1 calendar because of the civil unrest in the county. Six days before the date due to kick off this year’s Formula 1 Championship in Bahrain the King declared a state of emergency. We then heard rumours about the country settling down but still wanting to host the race this year, so they were given until the 1st of May to decide whether or not to host the race. Still in a state of emergency come decision time they were handed another month to see if they could sort out the state of their country before deciding. Now we’ve learnt that the state of emergency declared in Bahrain will be lifted a mere two days before the FIA council are due to meet. This is cutting it slightly close I think, especially considering the people’s emotions will still be running high and the upset will still be very fresh in everyone’s mind. Bernie Ecclestone says we keep F1 out of politics, but this has gone far beyond just that, we can’t just be ignorant of the fact of what has happened there and there. It’s a shame but I feel we might not see a race in Bahrain for a while.