Massa to stay put with Ferrari

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There is No Question that Felipe Massa will remain with Ferrari next year

13 May 2011

Despite the recent speculation that Massa will be moving to Red Bull in 2012, Ferrari insist that there is 'no question' that he will very much remain

part of the team this year and next. After a experiencing a troublesome start to the year and when Massa was controversially made to let his team-mate Alonso overtake when leading the 2010 German Grand Prix, it is no wonder that his future with Ferrari has been brought into question. After taking the first podium of the season in Turkey at the weekend, Massa insists he is staying put and that the speculation of his departure always seems to come around the most during the season. Ferrari President, Luca di Montezemolo said

Alonso is a very very song, he is one of the best drivers I have seen in my career. Very strong in the mind, very pushing with the team in a constructive way, very close to the team. So I want to have Alonso for a long time

This is a smart move by Ferrari who need to keep a fast driver under their wings, and most of all somebody who can cope and get along with Alonso at the best of times.