The Great South Run

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TeamSport Runs 10 Miles for Charity

13 October 2016

Join us in supporting Bruce and members of the TeamSport Crew as they get ready to take on the #GreatSouthRun at Portsmouth Harbour on Sunday 23rd October.

After weeks of training and preparation, Bruce and the crew will run 10 miles across the Portsmouth Harbour to raise awareness and support for Cancer Research UK.

We hope you can join us in supporting them, whether it be words of motivation to get them to the finish line or any donation, big or small via our Official JustGiving Page to help us reach our £1000 target!

We would like to wish all participants the best of luck, and we look forward to updating you on how Bruce and our crew get on.

Thank you!

#TeamSport #GreatSouthRun #StandUpForCancer