German victory for Alonso

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Alonso scoops his third win of the season

24 July 2012

Well, what an eventful race that was! A retirement from Hamilton following a puncture and gearbox damage and a second place for Button after Vettel was given a 20-second penalty for overtaking him on the penultimate lap. Fernando Alonso's win puts him 34 points ahead of RedBull's Mark Webber in the Championship and it makes him the only driver to have had three wins this season. The Ferrari driver said it hadn't been the easiest of races; too right, the biggest lead he had throughout was two seconds! The Spaniard also modestly said his team played a big part in his win and that Mclaren's Jenson had really put the pressure on:

It was some good calls by the team in terms of strategy in the first stop and then obviously in the second stop when Jenson pits, we have to react. Up to that point I knew it was a long race, 27 laps to the end with Jenson putting on a lot of pressure. The car was feeling good, feeling good on traction and top speed, so it was enough to keep the lead into Turn Six.

Lewis Hamilton must also have really felt the pressure because it was his 100th grand prix race, he had won the race last year and in 2008, and to top that, team mate Button had a podium finish!

Poor Lewis, he really isn't having the best of seasons! Lets hope some big changes can happen for him this week ahead of the Hungarian Grand Prix next weekend! Best of luck Lewis from me and TeamSport!