Christmas cringers: Which party persona are you?

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Christmas cringers: Which party persona are you?

16 November 2016

With Christmas just around the corner, businesses up and down the country are starting to plan their annual Christmas do.

For some, this may take the form of a spot of lunch at a fancy-pants restaurant, while for others, it may result in a series of tequila shots at their colleague's desk. Either way, regardless of whether your team decide to go down the traditional or contemporary route, there are some things that'll be the same across the board this December.

One feature that'll never change is that of the party persona – those definitive party types who never fail to make an appearance whenever the festive season comes around. From Dad-dancing bosses to tipsy apprentices, the question is: Which party persona are you?

The Dad Dancer

Every office has that one person who thinks they can dance like Michael Jackson, when really their moves end up looking more like David Brent.

You can see it now. Their favourite song comes on, they strut towards the dancefloor, loosening their tie as they walk. They hit the floor and bust a move. You die inside and head to the bar – only shots will ease the pain.

The Lightweight

"I've only had three pints" stutters the lightweight, as their tongues loosen in their mouths.

These types are the ones who, without fail, find themselves in bed, nursing a take away at 8pm. They are the ones who start off the loudest, and leave the earliest. Sure, they may miss a big chunk of the night, but given that they get so much more sleep than their co-workers, it has to be said that the lightweight often has the freshest face the morning after!

The Flirt

Although they spend most of the year leaning casually against the photocopier, chewing their pen or hiding behind their notepad, the office flirt often takes centre stage at the annual Christmas shindig. 

These are the guys and girls who truly come out of their shells every December – the same people who can be seen rubbing shoulders (or sometimes more) with their peers at the bar, dancing with their shirts undone or telling their bosses how much they 'admire their authoritarian approach'.

Ones for Santa's naughty list, for sure.

The Driver

Despite proclaiming that they don't mind having a sober night, the driver rarely leaves the annual office party full of festive cheer.

Having had their ears bent about pet peeves, office politics and how much their co-workers 'love them' throughout the night, these types are often the ones who can be found slumping into bed in the early hours – still owed the money they were promised for giving their colleagues a lift home.

The (anti) Social One

Although, in reality, it may look like these types are having the dullest of nights, the social queens and kings among us have the knack of making it seem as though they've had the time of their life on social media.

Conversation isn't their forte – so if you find that they'd rather take selfies as opposed to doing some slammers, don't be offended, it's just the way they are.

Looking to make this year's Christmas party one your co-workers will never forget? Head down to your local TeamSport track and put the pedal to the metal this December! With multi-level tracks available for corporate dos up and down the country, we're proud to be the UK's No.1 for indoor karting.