Lotus have confirmed that 27 year old Chandhok will not be racing in the Indian Grand Prix. This is despite his recent performance in the German Grand Prix and completing eight morning practice runs this year. Chandhock’s chop from the Indian Grand Prix has been put down to his lack of practice time in dry conditions and his potential inability to maintain performance and cope with the pressure of driving in front of his home crowd. Tony Fernandes, Team Lotus boss, made the decision on the back of it being ‘vital’ for the team to secure tenth place in the 2011 constructors’ championship as competition is very tough.
We had to make the best decision for the future of the team - Fernandes
Unfortunately for Chandhok, this all means that Trulli Jarno’s “experience and pace” have been favoured. Chandhock has clearly been feeling the excitement and buzz in India with the Grand Prix being held in his home country. He said, “I've done 28 interviews in the last two days." I can only imagine how this has made being axed feel even worse. Humble Chandhock said,
I am obviously disappointed that I won’t have the chance to race on Sunday hard decisions must be made….but I understand this isn’t about me
Considering the form that Chandhock has been displaying, I think this is a real blow for him not to be driving in the Indian Grand Prix, especially in front of his home crowd. I think Lotus should have more faith in the guy especially as he’s already improved each time he’s driven this year. I guess the only consolation is that he will be driving in the opening practice session on Friday. Such a shame, you’ll be missed Changhock.