Brucey predicts: Canada GP

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Brucey predicts: Canada GP

5 June 2014

This weekend is the Canadian GP and it’s looking like it will be an interesting one. Canada historically produces exciting GP’s with interesting qualifying rounds and eventful races. In the past, it has been McLaren that has done well with an impressive record of 13 wins in Canada. However, this may be ‘unlucky for some’ as Mercedes’ Hamilton will no doubt be hungry for a win after losing to Rosberg in Monaco. Hamilton and Rosberg’s relationship has been strained this season, with the serious feud starting at the Spanish GP and exploding in Monaco.

After a close encounter with Rosberg in the final laps of the Spanish GP, Hamilton turned up his engine performance to maximum without the permission of bosses on the pit wall to ensure that he beat his teammate to the line. This rivalry is now the greatest for decades and will ensure that we will have entertaining races for many GP’s to come this season. However, it has been said that Hamilton may be untouchable in Canada as this is the venue of his maiden victory in 2007 and he hasn’t let anyone down in Canada yet due to his his superb driving. Vettel will race to win this weekend after his outstanding victory last year and it’s possible that we may see Alonso sneak into pole position… In terms of final predictions, I reckon that we’ll see Hamilton take pole position in qualifying due to his hunger to win and determination to beat Rosberg. As for others, it’s likely that Rosberg will come second with Vettel coming third in qualifying. Canada GP Final Prediction

  • Hamilton
  • Rosberg
  • Riccairdo

It’s likely that we’ll see Vettel drop off in the GP due to the speed and determination of the other drivers and the fact that Ricciardo just seems to be coming out on top. Yet, it could go either way as we saw in Monaco and the three above may be in a different order, depending who’s hungrier on the day! Who do you reckon will make it to the finish line first? Tell me your predictions on Facebook!