Be The Best In The West

Be The Best In The West


Be The Best In The West

You’re about to read all you’ll ever need to know about mastering our brand new West London go karting track - it’s true. Follow our top tips and next time you jump in one of our insanely fast electric karts you are guaranteed to improve your personal best and put in a performance worthy of an encore.

Don’t forget you can also enhance your karting experience with our upcoming #GRID tuition nights, guaranteed to improve your racing line and your position on the West London leader board. After all - who can resist getting their name in lights

Stay on the straight and narrow

There are seven corners to negotiate on this track, so nailing the turn-in points is crucial. Try and keep your line as straight as possible from the exit of the previous corner so you don’t lose valuable seconds adjusting your position.

Don't stomp on the throttle

While a third generation Biz ECOVOLT NG kart has a throttle pedal that behaves like a petrol kart, the torque levels vary considerably so you will suffer from the dreaded wheel spin if your foot is too heavy. Smoke certainly adds drama, but not on the track.

Think ahead

This track does not offer up many ideal overtaking spots, so planning ahead will ensure you are always one step ahead of your co-stars. Don’t just hope for the best on this track, as getting alongside your competitor is not always easy. Find your fastest straight and utilise clever cornering to prepare your crowd-pleasing manoeuvre.

Silver strip

Keep an eye out for the silver strip at the bottom of the down-ramp. When you are level with it, start turning ready for the next corner. This will help scrub off some of the speed you are carrying down the ramp, meaning you don’t have to break as hard as you might think.

Don’t go too wide

You don't need to run too wide in the middle of the double apex corners after the down-ramp and just before the up-ramp. Think of them as one long corner instead of two separate corners. You’ll get a better line, not waste time by going too wide, and you are sure to take centre stage.

Banking on an angle

Use the banking of the corner after the up-ramp to your advantage by hugging the inside of this corner as though you are performing a love-scene. Stick to the script and the banking will help by spitting you out in exactly the right spot for the next section of the track.

Less is more

Most of us aren't Lewis, Jenson or even Bruce for that matter! So limiting your debut driving to 80% rather than a flat-out 100%, will lead to less mistakes and ultimately gain you a better lap time. As you gather experience and expertise, your 80% will gently increase to 100% and faultless – you won’t get a curtain call by making mistakes.


Win the crowd’s applause by letting your kart do the work. It wants to go in a straight line believe it or not, so try relaxing your arms when exiting a corner and your kart will straighten itself up without the risk of you over-correcting.

To brake or not to brake?

Aim to drive the track without braking – except for the down-ramp where we suggest a little dab – as knowing when to come off the throttle before the kart starts to drift is a great skill to learn. If the tail of the kart starts drifting, while this can be fun (and it looks cool) you will be compromising your exit speed by entering the corner too fast and having to brake.

Fast or first

You might think that crossing the line first means you are the fastest, but this is not always the case! You may have lost valuable time by trying to battle for first position, so actually your lap time is slower. Whether it’s a PB or a podium you are after, one of the best ways you can learn the lines and become faster is by following someone who is faster than you around the track. So if you can’t be beat them, join them (or spy on them from our comfy spectator area!

Get some chat

The stage is set for an epic karting experience, but we couldn’t finish without ending on the most important tip - and our West London staff hold the key. Between them they have driven hundreds of laps of this track and are the best people to ask for tips and advice. So don’t hesitate to have a chat with them next time you visit us; practice makes perfect, and the podium is waiting!